Ambassador Tool Kit

Thank You for taking part in All in for Education: A Virtual Day of Giving on March 5, 2021!
  • This year, the Amphi Foundation is holding a virtual Day of Giving to raise money to meet the needs of Amphi schools, teachers, and students.  As students and teachers transition from remote to hybrid to in-person education, the Amphi Foundation continues to need to be creative, nimble, and most importantly, ready to invest in solutions identified by our teachers and school administrators to support our students.
  • Our goal is to raise $75,000 and as an Ambassador, you can help us reach that goal by asking your family & friends to make a gift through your personal fundraising page. Every gift counts!
  • Follow the steps below to set up your All In For Education Ambassador page and help us give teachers and students the support they need!

Step 1: Sign Up to be an Ambassador

Create an Ambassador fundraising page by clicking the “Start Fundraising” button at the top of our campaign page

Enter your profile information, set a goal, and you’re on your way to helping us reach our fundraising goal!

Step 2: Personalize your Page

Personalizing the reasons you are an All In for Education Ambassador will encourage others to give back to the community by supporting the Amphi Foundation!  Before you share your page, personalize it using these tips:

  • Set a fundraising goal: letting others know how much you hope to raise will encourage them to give to help you reach your goal;
  • Briefly explain what the page is for (i.e. “I am raising money for the Amphitheater Public Schools Foundation Inc. to support students and teachers!”)
  • Tell a personal story about why the Amphi Foundation is important to you—and why others should give.  Some things to mention:

o   Every gift will have a direct impact on an Amphi classroom, teacher or student and it’s tax deductible too!

o   The Amphi Foundation’s mission: to promote academic excellence through the expansion of resources to benefit the education, development and well-being of the students of the Amphitheater Public School District;

o   The 3 focus areas of Amphi Foundation programs: (1) Student Preparedness, (2) Innovative Learning Opportunities for Students and Educator Support, and (3) Opportunities for Students to become College, Career and Community Ready.

o   In the last 5 years the Amphi Foundation has invested over $1,000,000 in the Amphi community through their programs and services. This is only possible because of continued & generous support from our community!

  • Tips for Teachers/Amphi staff:

o   Consider asking for $1/student in your classroom or setting your goal at $500, which is the average amount of an Amphi Foundation Classroom Grant.

o   Have you or one of your students benefitted from the Amphi Foundation in some way (clothing bank, classroom grants, classroom technology, staff appreciation lunches, etc.)?  Tell your story in the “why I’m fundraising” section!

o   Talk about the population of students that you serve and/or how budget cuts have affected your classroom.  Explain why it’s necessary for the community to support our classrooms.

  • Tell a complete story, but keep it brief.  Most successful campaigns are 300-600 words.
  • Use your own words and be yourself!

Step 3: Share your page and track your progress!

On your fundraising page, click the Facebook, Twitter, and/or Email buttons to share your fundraising page with friends, family, and other potential donors.

After you have shared your page, you can use the dashboard (click on your name and select “Your Fundraising”) to track your progress. 

Step 4: Continue to spread the word!

Beyond setting up a personal fundraising page, there are many ways to be an All In For Education Ambassador by sharing about the virtual Day of Giving on social media, sending emails or texts, or making phone calls.

  • Social Media

o   Like & follow the Amphi Foundation on social media and suggest our pages to family & friends;

o   Like, share, and repost Amphi Foundation posts about the All in for Education Virtual Day of Giving: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

  • Email

o   Email friends, family, and colleagues and ask them to join you in supporting the Amphi Foundation. 

o   Share your personal fundraising page in the email, or provide a link to the Amphi Foundation All in for Education campaign page:

o   Sample Email:

Subject line: Amphi Foundation All in for Education Day of Giving

On March 5, 2021, the Amphi Foundation is hosting a virtual Day of Giving to go All In For Education.  I am excited to support students & teachers in the Amphitheater Public School District by giving to the Amphi Foundation.  100% of donations will directly impact Amphi classrooms, teachers, or students and it’s tax deductible too!

This year, I hope you will join me in supporting the Amphi Foundation because [REASON FOR GIVING].  You can donate through my personal fundraising page [INSERT LINK] or by visiting

Together, we can make sure our Amphitheater schools and teachers have the support they need to promote academic excellence during such a challenging time!

[Your name and signature here]

  • Text and Phone Calls

o   Text or call family and friends and explain why you support the Amphi Foundation—and ask them to join you by making a gift to the Amphi Foundation!

Questions? Need some help? We’re here for you!

Contact:          Fabian Cordova, Amphi Foundation Board Chair

               or 520.404.7211

                        Leah Noreng, Amphi Foundation Executive Director

               or 520.696.5147